Quiz or assessment?

Building a quiz or assessment is not very difficult using LimeSurvey. Please visit our two language quiz based on the questionnaire of Hans Rosling, a famous Swedish professor on public health. Example survey You can download this survey (.lss file, prepared in...

LimeSurvey: more details about your respondents

Surveys are intended to elicit answers from the respondent. But apart from answering questions there are also other ways a survey collects data: Time between sending invitation and starting to answer (when using invitation mechanism of LimeSurvey) Time needed to fill...

LimeSurvey course

In April I gave a LimeSurvey beginners course to a class of experienced survey designers (but not using LimeSurvey) of the Province of Antwerp in Belgium. Due to the Corona virus, I could not visit them, so the 1 day course was cut in three 2-hour online workshops,...


Today the Your Covid-19 Risk website, where you can assess the risk of catching and the risk of transmitting the Covid-19 virus went live on the Netherlands, as the first country in many to come. https://your-covid-19-risk.com/ The application was built by the...

LS Tip: Switching language during survey

Whenever a user switches the language during a survey, (s)he is presented the new language after that. So far, so good. But…. in the results table of LimeSurvey only the startlanguage is stored, not the language that you change to. We ran into this when someone...